Wednesday, 31 December 2014

New Year's resolution- My Passion

New Year is that time people recall all the memories of the past year and make a promise to ourselves to not repeat those mistakes and make life a little more awesome. One of the things that have become an integral part of New Year is New Year’s resolution. There are many memes that floating around the internet making fun on how we all make resolutions and don’t stick to them even for a month. But there are many who do follow these resolutions seriously and I guess I am one of them. Although the resolutions that I made were not as big as I want to be a movie star or I want to be topper of my class. I have always set small goals and felt great in achieving them.
This year my goal for the next year is following my small passion. This year I would try to learn to sketch and draw a little. I was never a great sketcher and was not good with pencil, sketch pen, water colors, paint brush or anything contraption with which a person can draw. Even my grades in Engineering Graphics are testament of my not so great drawing skills. Doodles were a common thing on my copies in my college and school.
This year I would be able to pursue this passion with a great ease with the new Micromaxcanvas Tab. It has all the features that would make me follow my passion with all the ease. With its big screen I would be able to watch the learning videos with great detail. With its fast processor I would be able to visit the learning websites a lot quicker. This tablet has good battery backup and because of which I would be able to practice a good amount of time without even worrying of plugging it in to the charger.
The fine camera quality of this phone would also help share my piece of art with my friends and also with the world. With this tablet comes the brand name of Micromax. I have used the gadgets of this brand in past and they were a really value of money and gave (and still giving) a great service.
At last this tablet comes at a price which elates my senses. So many features at such a reasonable price make this tablet a great buy for anyone. This tablet would take me closer in fulfilling the resolution that I would be making this New Year. To all those who are planning to buy a new tablet this New Year for you or yourself this is one full package for yourself. If you have any great uses of this awesome gadget then do mention it to us in the comment section. 

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